照顧年長者營養 移工Can Do!




新事社會服務中心是一個致力於關懷職場弱勢者的社會服務機構,戮力促進資源分享的共好社會,長期致力於移工樂活並長者安養,共構移工、雇主和諧社會,幫助社會上受到剝削、不公正對待的弱小族群,邀請您一起成為他們的守護者,您的捐款將幫助這些無能為力的人走出困境、獲得權益援助,請按下「我要捐款」或電洽(02)2397-1933 #122 ,感謝您的響應與關注!

For the migrant workers who enter the Rerum Novarum Center’s shelter because of conflict between them and their employers, what do they do every day? Besides handling the problem with their employers, our shelter also provides classes on taking care of elders. By inviting Nutritionist Wei Qi to give a lecture, our migrant workers had the chance to understand how to manage the meals to the elders who suffered from poor chewing, stomachache, or lack of power. Lastly, the workers were able to apply what they had learned through actual practice instructed by nutritionist Wei Qi.

“I see! The grandpa needs to have less food but more meals to have enough nutrition,” “The grandpa often feels powerless, how can I provide more protein to his meals?” The workers pro-actively kept asking questions that they had encountered before. After learning how to calculate the nutrition of meals through examples, each of them has more confidence in taking care of elders!

Our Taipei City Migrant Workers’ Shelter is entrusted by the Taipei Government to protect and shelter the workers who need help. Besides solving the disputes between employers and employees, we also provide classes to enhance their skills, so they can provide better service after returning to work and enjoy a better relationship with their employers.





