25 students have registered for this course which started April 17/24/ and May 15/22/29Core training for elderly care then June 5/12/19 core training for child care.
They haveundergone training for 8 Sundays 6 hours every Sunday in order to completethe module prepared by the Cardinal Tien Nursing department and was presented bythe Fujen University medical
school staff since the Cardinal Tien facilities were notavailable during these period of time, classes were held at the Rerum Novarum Center Meeting room. After the core training the students have to complete 60 hours of clinical practice wherein 30 hours will be spent at the CATWEL orphanage Center and another 30 hours will be in a Home for the disabled as per arrangment made by the Director of Rerum Novarum Sister Stephan Weiwei.
These migrants who joined this course not only gain new skills and learning but also gained new friends.