1Q:  What is the number of working hours for a regular migrant worker?

◆Factory workers, nursing home workers, and construction workers work 8 hours a day.  If it exceeds 8 hours, they are deemed to be working overtime.

◆Home caretakers or domestic helpers are on call 24 hours a day. But employers need to ensure that migrant workers rest for at least 8 consecutive hours a day.  However, both parties can negotiate appropriate rest time.

◆Sunday work is regarded as overtime for home caretakers and or domestic helpers.

2Q:  How to compute overtime pay?

◆For factory workers, nursing home workers and construction workers, the legal overtime computation method is: the first 2 hours are  (N x 1.33), the following 2 hours are (N x 1.66), and (N x 2) for the rest of the hours. (Note: N = number of overtime hours), the same algorithm even if it is illegal.

◆Usually, the overtime pay for days-off and national holidays is double the salary (N x 2). 

◆For home care workers or domestic helpers, calculation of overtime pay per month : 20,000/30days = 667NT/day x no. of Sundays.

3Q:  What will I do in case of “Forced Savings”?

◆Accordingly, in addition to the broker's service fee and health insurance deductible stipulated by the Ministry of Labor, employers and brokers are not allowed to deduct money from the wages of migrant workers.

◆Migrant workers should keep their own bankbook and chop so that they can check the status of deposits and withdrawals in their bank accounts. If "forced savings" is deducted from your salary, you may file a complaint.