The Challenges of Me Too Movement Among Migrant Workers

In May 2023, due to allegations of workplace sexual harassment made by a former political party worker, which were not properly addressed and were concealed by the supervisory authorities, it led to apologies from those in power. This incident sparked a wave of what is known as the "Me Too" movement in society. Many past victims of sexual assault and harassment, whether in the political or entertainment industry, found the courage to revisit and speak out about their past experiences in the wake of this movement. These experiences were buried deep within them and they were hesitant to bring them to the surface. However, they chose to share their stories to remind others about how to protect themselves when faced with such violations.

In Taiwan's society, which is influenced by Confucian and patriarchal values, a male-centered mindset is prevalent in various aspects of life, including politics, religion, schools, workplaces, and families. Many decisions are influenced by male perspectives and feelings. Consequently, women in such a culture often find themselves in a disadvantaged position. Therefore, the government has been attempting to promote gender equality through various policies, aiming to create a society where both genders can live equally and women are better protected, especially in a patriarchal society where they can face unjust treatment.

Due to a shortage of labor in the social welfare and industrial sectors, Taiwan introduced foreign labor to meet the labor market's demands. These foreign workers, including female caregivers in the social welfare field, particularly those providing in-home care, often find themselves taking on roles in which they provide care to individuals. The majority of these caregivers are women. They not only provide labor but also live within Taiwanese society. Female social welfare migrant workers, especially those working in family caregiving roles, are tasked with providing care to individuals. Their work and lives are conducted within the residences of those they care for.

In the course of serving migrant workers, New Vision Social Service Center often encounters requests for assistance from domestic caregivers. These requests not only pertain to labor issues but also to cases of sexual assault and harassment. However, these victims of sexual assault and harassment often struggle to provide evidence of the violations they have experienced. This is because the nature of their caregiving work involves direct physical contact with the individuals they are caring for. The outcome of such contact can vary significantly depending on the intent behind it. Furthermore, the living arrangements of domestic caregivers often place them in the same household as their employers and the individuals they care for, making it difficult to protect their privacy. This environment can also lead to misunderstandings and violations when differences in perception arise.

Currently, when Taiwan's government handles issues involving migrant workers, almost all cases are channeled through the complaint mechanisms of the Ministry of Labor and treated as labor disputes. As a result, incidents of sexual assault and harassment are often left unresolved.

Migrant workers facing difficulties in Taiwan often find themselves in a vulnerable position. They are in a foreign environment where they may not be fully aware of local laws and rights protections. Additionally, they lack access to adequate resources, making them passive participants in the problem-solving process. Their autonomy and feelings are often difficult to express, which makes it challenging for them to protect themselves.

Therefore, the New Vision Social Service Center recommends that the Taiwan government establish sexual complaint channels at the county and city levels. These channels should be accessible to both citizens and migrant workers, providing them with a secure and confidential means of seeking assistance when they experience sexual assault or harassment. When a sexual complaint is filed, local government authorities should promptly initiate cases and intervene to protect the privacy of the victims. This should be done without immediately involving labor brokers, as their intervention often discourages victims from speaking out or asserting their rights.

Creating a confidential channel for migrant workers who feel they have been sexually violated will allow them to express their feelings and experiences openly. It will also enable the government to intervene and protect their rights, rather than forcing them to navigate external threats and internal pressures, causing their experiences of violation to become scars they would rather not face again.

The New Affairs Social Service Center is a social service organization dedicated to caring for disadvantaged individuals in the workplace, striving to promote a society where resources are shared for the common good. They have long been committed to improving the quality of life for migrant workers and elderly care, co-creating a harmonious society for migrant workers and employers. They help marginalized groups who suffer from exploitation and injustice, and they invite you to become their guardians. Your donation will help these vulnerable individuals in overcoming their difficulties and obtaining assistance for their rights. Please click(“I want to donate") or call (02) 2397-1933 #122. Thank you for your response and concern!